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Daily Citrus Bloom


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Product Details

High in Vitamin A, Vitamin B9, Vitamin C, Amino Acids, Iron, Folate and other vitamins and minerals, it is antibacterial, antiradical and antioxidant in nature.

This varietal is consumed for its many benefits, some of which are to repair body function, quicken the healing process, boost the body’s immunity and improve eyesight.

It also provides gentle relief for respiratory ailments like cough, flu, sore throat, phlegm, sinus and asthma. By creating an inhospitable environment for bacterial growth.

Hive To Home

All our honey are harvested directly from the hive and delivered to you 100% without any artificial flavouring, colouring or preservatives. We always believe that nature has the best answer to all our problems. You can always consume the most natural honey which comes from sustainable beekeeping practices.

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